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Apr 23, 2020
Volunteer nonprofit board members; recent Supreme Judicial Court decision examines scope of immunity
The global pandemic has suddenly thrown many nonprofit organizations into a churning sea of economic uncertainty.

Nov 17, 2014
50th Anniversary Event at the Mahaiwe: Black Violin
As the last of its five community events commemorating its 50th anniversary, Cain Hibbard sponsored a lively and inspiring performance.
Aug 8, 2014
Fair Use or Foul Play? Copyright Rules in the Digital Age – at the Norman Rockwell Museum
Wondering what use you can make of someone else’s creative content? Thinking of sharing a video created by another on social media?
Jul 10, 2014
Elisabeth Goodman joins firm; Cain Hibbard opens Williamstown office
Attorney Elisabeth Goodman of Williamstown has joined Cain Hibbard & Myers as a partner, expanding the firm’s busy real estate, and zoning.
Jun 10, 2014
50th anniversary lecture series Surrogate Decision Making
3rd of Cain Hibbard’s “five for five” 50th anniversary lecture series held June 25: Lisa M. McCormack on Surrogate Decision Making
Jun 6, 2014
Cain Hibbard and Berkshire Bar Association co-sponsor eDiscovery educational event
As the second of Cain Hibbard’s “5 for 5” 50th anniversary community lecture series, the firm, together.
Apr 17, 2014
Lucy Prashker featured speaker on Intellectual Property and Academic Freedom
Lucy Prashker was a featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Capital Area Technology Association in Albany, New York.
Mar 6, 2014
Cain Hibbard & Myers launches 50-Year Anniversary with events highlighting technology in the law
Dopamine, Email and Christie-Gate,” a 3/25 after-hours event
at The Garage @ The Colonial Theatre, launches anniversary year
Mar 5, 2014
Lucy Prashker elected President of Literacy Network of South Berkshire
Lucy Prashker elected President of Literacy Network of South Berkshire
MARCH 04, 2014

Sep 22, 2012
Cain Hibbard & Myers “Walks a Mile” in Second Annual Benefit for Elizabeth Freeman Center
Sixteen walkers clad in signature pink t-shirts represented Cain Hibbard & Myers in the Second Annual “Walk A Mile in her Shoes” fundraiser.
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